Diamond Lapidary Rock NotchedRim Slab Saw Blade,It has held up extremely well and cuts just about any kind of rock, from the very soft Petoskey Stone fossils to hard jasper and agate.Designed for use on hard lapidary materials like agate, jasper, petrified wood, agates and geodes. Notched Rimlapidary Blade have a notched construction on a thin core for cutting more precious material. Similar to Blue Blazer. NotchedRim lapidary Blade are excellent quality commerical grade Blades, designed for use on hard lapidary materials like agate, jasper, petrified wood, and geodes.More Diamonds in the notched rim anda a stiffer core make this Blade cut faster and provide a long use-life. Covington Gold Blades are a great low cost choice for your lapidary Saw.